why we are getting back to Costa Rica

in november 2018 I got a job offer at berlin, germany. me and my family decided to take it and so we moved to berlin

and 2019 has been great so far. coming here has been a roller coaster of emotions and experiences, one day you are taking a bath at 40 degrees outside on a amazing lake and two month later you are almost ice skating over it.

and don’t get me started with the job. I was able to join a top notch company that was not afraid of investment, technology or experimentation, which provided me with so many new aknowledge in so many different areas such as development, testing, devops, product, agile management and much more.

but… we decided to move back and this is the reason:

berlin is amazing…
you can easily travel to so many places…
you get exposed to a complete new language which will be a daily challenge (if you want)…
you can try amazing new food for a reasonable price…
you will met many new people from totally different cultures, religions…
berlin is not a very cultural city, but is full of history…
you can get the best icecream in the world (hokey pokey’s banana)…
you will be able to find cheap cloth…
you can be a veggie and enjoy new recipes and new restaurants everyday…
you will live in a city full of parties and concerts…
you can easily go to tech, art and cultural conferences every month…
you can try hot wine, which is just great when it is cold…
you will be able to dress however you want and feel confident about it…
you can enjoy a great insurance and health care system…
you will enjoy more being outside and not at a shopping center…
you will learn how to live with less…
you can practice whatever sport you want…
berlin is full of startups and many major enterprises…
you can enjoy tons of different playgrounds…
you can also enjoy tons of different museums…

but honestly I liked more living in costa rica


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